Becoming a Coach
Coaching children is a very rewarding experience and coaching your own child's team can be one of the most rewarding experiences of all! Coaches are pivotal to having children get the AYSO experience.
Do you have little or no experience with soccer? AYSO will teach you, based on the age level you are coaching. Unique age-appropriate coach training is one of AYSO's specialties. If you plan to be at your child's soccer practices and games, you'll also have time to be your child's coach.
To become an AYSO coach, you must be certified in the age level you are coaching. Certification takes two easy steps. First, register at Then complete a background check and required training
Coaching is a rewarding experience because you have the opportunity to build a child's self-esteem, help them learn new skills and just have a lot of fun.
Field Setup
Teams scheduled for the first game of the day are required to assemble the goals, place corner posts, and Kids Zone signs. The goals, corner posts and Kids Zone signs are generally located in a container at each field. Field setup should be completed so that games can begin on the scheduled time. Coaches should ask for volunteers from the team to perform this responsibility. Goals must be secured to the ground with stakes and safe for game play. Coaches and Referees need to walk the play area to ensure there are no objects that would cause injury to players during the game.
Field Tear Down
Teams scheduled for the last game of the day are required to disassemble the goals, remove corner posts, and Kids Zone signs. The goals, stakes, corner posts and Kids Zone signs must be placed in the container. Coaches should ask for volunteers from the team to perform this responsibility. Please ensure that no stakes/nails are left out on the field.